Sylvain Lobry

Université Paris Cité, LIPADE laboratory, SIP team.


Bureau 812H

45, rue des Saints-Pères

75006 Paris France


I am an assistant professor (Maître de conférences) in Computer Science. I do research at the SIP team of the LIPADE laboratory and teach at UFR de Mathématiques et Informatique in Université Paris Cité. Before, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Wageningen University & Research in the Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing. I obtained my PhD in image processing from Télécom Paris in 2017. This work was done in collaboration with CNES and was awarded the best PhD award from Fondation Mines-Télécom.

My research interests are in the areas of methodological developments in image processing with applications in particular to remote sensing imagery. This includes high-resolution optical images processing using deep learning techniques and change detection, classification and regularization on multi-temporal series of SAR images using Markov Random Fields models. During my PhD, I was working on the SWOT mission, dedicated to the study of the world’s oceans and its terrestrial surface waters. Since 2019, I also work on the interactions between remote sensing data and natural language. In particular, we introduced the task of Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing (RSVQA).


Sep 4, 2024 Post-doc offer (12 months) on ESA project
Sep 2, 2024 I will give a talk at the MVEO workshop at BMVC 2024!
Jul 30, 2024 New book chapter!
May 28, 2024 New PhD offer at Inria (filled)
May 7, 2024 New PhD offer (EDITE, deadline 15/05)
Apr 11, 2024 Nathan successfully defended his PhD today. Congrats Nathan!
Mar 30, 2024 I will give a talk at G2AS’24 on April 17.
Mar 1, 2024 Nicolas Houdré is starting his MSc internship with us today!
Feb 5, 2024 New special issue in ISPRS Photo
Feb 1, 2024 Yuxing Chen is joining us as a Post-doctoral student today! Welcome!
Jan 1, 2024 Swann Briand is starting his PhD today!
Dec 7, 2023 New PhD offer (CSC)
Nov 29, 2023 Three new MSc internship offers with Inria and INRAE! (filled)
Nov 22, 2023 New DiiP strategic project with LISA to work on climate monitoring from RS data!
Nov 13, 2023 I will be at Dagstuhl for the Space and AI seminar.
Nov 1, 2023 Subsribe to the IAPR TC7 Newsletter
Oct 1, 2023 After a successful internship, Hichem Boussaid is starting as a PhD today.
Sep 26, 2023 I have the pleasure of giving a keynote at the Munich School on Remote Sensing on 27/09.
Sep 10, 2023 I will give a seminar at Maison de la Télédétection, Montpellier, France on 15/09.
Aug 22, 2023 Congratulations to Mathilde Bonin who successfully defended her internship today!